
Tuesday, September 13, 2011


i think there's some kind of power outside that makes babies happy. she's crying hysterically, i step outside and she's abruptly the happiest kid in provo utah. sofia and i absolutely love it when dad comes home. we stare at the clock and count down. of course, we wait outside for him.

i feel like she's been wearing purple a lot lately.

new fav spot

loves touching the trunks of trees. weirdo.

eyes are still light

does this stomach make me look fat?

i am totally one of those moms. i'm obsessed.


  1. As you should be:) she is the sweetest thing ever. Love her in purple too!

  2. that's so Hudson, he cries till we step outside and then happy baby!

  3. Manning is the same. I am in love with her cuteness.

  4. What cute pics! Jenna is wearing that same flower in my latest post. I'm so glad she and Sofia can match! (Thank you!) My kids love being outside. And I love being outside with them. :)
